- Fees are charged for all twelve mo of the year School fees are subject as change/revise to cover the increasing cost of teachers’ salary, maintenance, and other expenses.
- Fees are deposited by cash in the bank (SBI Bank, Rania Dhwl) as per the payment schedule shown on the fee card and online payment through with this link https://www.onlinesbi.sbi/sbicollect . A late fee of Rs.50/- will be charged on failure to pay the fees on the prescribed dates.
- The fee will be collected in four installments.
- Fees will not be accepted without producing the fee booklet. Fees shall be remitted on behalf of the child, by responsible persons, and receipt, in token of the amount paid, shall be collected at the same time and retained with the parents/guardians for future reference.
- Failure to pay the fees of two consecutive installments will make the child liable to be discharged from the school.
- School fees include admission, establishment, and monthly/tuition fees. Library, smart class, laboratory, sports and games, examination, electricity and generator, general maintenance and development teaching aids, computer, and annual charges.
- Students who are admitted at any time during a current academic year will have to pay the complete fees for that year.
- A student found cheating in the examination shall be fined 1000/- and expelled from the school. Parents are requested to make the children aware of this fact from the beginning of the session to avoid unpleasantness at a later stage.