The School year has three terms:
March to May | July to October | November to February
- Examinations will be held at the end of each term and no student will be allowed to take the examinations earlier or later. Those absent from an examination without a grave cause will be considered as having failed in the particular subject; in case of illness, a doctor’s certificate should be produced.
- Those who absent themselves in any subject shall be considered failed in that subject and shall not be awarded any position, and shall not be re-examined. In case of grave illness, a medical certificate to the effect shall be produced.
- Regular periodical tests will be conducted in addition to the term examinations. Marks obtained in all the tests and term examinations will be taken into consideration for promotion.
- A pupil shall be eligible to appear in the Final Examination only if he/she has 85% of the total attendance.
- Anyone found indulging in any malpractice during an examination is liable to be debarred from further examinations. Criteria for promotion after Final Examination shall be 45% of the aggregate marks obtained by the candidate in all the papers and examinations besides the internal assessment made by the school.
- The Principal is at liberty to follow strictly the ICSE promotion scheme for the students.
- Result declared at the end of the year will be final and will not be reconsidered, nor will the answer paper be shown.
- A student who fails two consecutive final examinations will have to leave the school.
- Those who seek admission to this school will have to accept this scheme of promotion. The decision of the school in the matter of promotion is final and irrevocable.
- While reviewing each report guardians are requested to examine the homework diary of the students. It will be helpful in understanding why he/she has not come up to the expectation.
- Promotion to a higher class depends upon:
I) Regularity in attendance.
ii) Regularity and quality of day-to-day participation in the class.
iii) Assessment by the teachers of different subjects.
iv) Written works and projects assigned by the subject’s teachers.
v) Average Marks of the term examinations.